Do only Ibadis go to heaven?

“Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is guided” (Qur’an 16:125)

“Do they feel secure from Allah’s plan? None can feel secure from Allah’s plan except the people who are losers.” (Qur’an 7:99)


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2 responses to “Do only Ibadis go to heaven?

  1. Black Swan

    Interesting. The Wikipedia article needs correction then.

    • Oh Shaykh Wikipedia needs some major correction in about 14 places.

      The most glaring one.

      Let us see if we can do the math.

      “Ibadism is currently the second largest Muslim denomination in Oman with over a third of its population being adherents.”

      Than we cruise on down under the section:

      Omani Imamate.

      “Ibadis still form the majority of the contemporary Omani population and the royal family of Oman are Ibadi.”

      Views on other denominations

      “Classical Ibadi theologians have stated that only the ahl al-istiqāmah will go to paradise, and that all sinning Ibadis as well as all non-Ibadis will burn in hell forever.”

      Tsk tsk ask….

      However, Shaykh Wikipedia is not to blame entirely….
      We Let Valerie Hoffman in her book: The Essentials of Ibadi Islam get by with saying as much too.

      Thus, we are equally culpable …no worries a future upcoming article should provide more in depth discussion about this complete with sources…oh which Shaykh Wikipedia is bereft of.

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