Salafis Bilal Philips and Assim al Hakeem lie about Imam Malik and the prayer.

“And do not mix the truth with falsehood or conceal the truth while you know it.” (Qur’an 2:42)


In Islam one of our most cherished principles is to cover up the fault of our brothers. To be tactful in how we correct each other. Yet, this needs to be balanced with the those who are recalcitrant and unwilling to be admit to their errors. When their publications and social media become widely viewed and the layman take at face value what is said something must be done.

One of the more unfortunate things that those brothers who are claimants of a movement called ‘Salafiyah’ is be woefully uninformed about the prayer of the Blessed Messenger (saw). Namely by saying that praying with the arms to the side is some sort of innovated practice. When in reality that IS the default way the Blessed Messenger (saw) prayed!

One of those who have circulated this misunderstanding is the Salafi preacher Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips. Brother Bilal Philips as otherwise benefited the English speaking Muslim community through his media lectures and audio series. He wrote a book called: Salvation through Repentance. It is one of the best books written in the English language on the subject.

We as human beings make mistakes. We hope that one day Allah (swt) would encourage our brother Bilal to correct this error.

In his book he says:

“He was severely beaten in the year 764 CE by the order of the Ameer of Madeenah, because he made a legal ruling that forced divorce was invalid. This ruling opposed the ‘Abbaasid rulers’ practice of adding in the oath of allegiance given to them by the masses the clause that whoever broke the oath was automatically divorced. Malik was tied and beaten until his arms became severely damaged to such a degree that he became unable to clasp them on his chest in Salaah and thus he began the practice of praying with his hands at his sides according to some reports.”

Source: (pg. 78. The Evolution of Fiqh Islamic Law & The Madh-habs By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips International Islamic Publishing House.)

“Some reports” such as? Doesn’t our brother Abu Ammenah Bilal Philips have to give his evidence or are we just suppose to accept what he said? No asterisk *, no footnote with a source or reference. Unforutnately our brother Imam Philips gives us nothing.

Can such a claim be verified by and in any of the traditionally relied upon books of Islamic history? No! One will be hard-pressed to find any evidence substantiating this argument.

Remember what Allah said:

“Verily, those who conceal the clear proofs, evidence, and the guidance, which We have sent down after We have made it clear for the people in the Book, they are the ones cursed by Allah and cursed by those who curse.” (Qur’an: 2:159)

So where is the proof?

Secondly, how could Imam Malik not have enough strength to clasp his hands on his chest but still be able to do the tabkir-, go into ruku, and go into sajdah and to push his hands up from sujuud since Imam Malik’s view is that the knees go up than the hands after sajdah?

What about all the other Tabieen who prayed the way Imam Malik did? Did each and every one of them have their arms broken as well?

Also don’t you think Imam Malik would have said as plain as day, “Hey everyone as you know I’m only praying this way because my arm was pulled out of my socket, don’t follow me follow the Blessed Messenger!”

Next are the flat untruths coming from Assim al Hakeem. (He has since corrected his mistake)

Listen to what Assim al Hakeem says @0:25

Some scholars say that the followers of Imam Malik started doing this when he started praying like that. Why would Imam Malik, Imam Dar Al Hijra, pray like that way? He knows that the Sunnah of the Prophet (as) as in the hadith of Wail Ibn Hujr (May Allah be pleased with him) was to put the right over the left on the chest and this is the sunnah of all the prophets. Why would Imam Malik do this? The reason was that at some time or period of history there was a disagreement between the Muslim ruler and Imam Malik; which happens throughout history with all scholars. This happened with Imam Ahmad. This happened with Imam Abu Hanifa. This happened with uh Imam Ibn Taymiyah, who died in prison. All great scholars are tested; and usually if they don’t kiss the backside or they don’t polish shoes, they will be thrown in jail. This is the norm. So there was this disagreement which Imam Malik refused to compromise the religion, which led then to a Muslim ruler to flog him and beat him in prison. That led to an injury to his arm which prevented him from being able to lift it so he began to pray with his arms to his side. Some of his disciples and students (apparently who were not very smart followed that way of prayer instead of going back to his books, to his hadiths that he used to teach to learn how the prophet used to pray. And they mimicked that and made it part of their religion, or part of their school of thought. Which is totally bogus. Which is totally not true. And Ali my friend as a Muslim we have to go back to the references, Qur’an and Sunnah. Not to what Tom, Dick and Harry did (with all due respect to THEM), but Allah ordered us to follow the Qur’an and the Sunnah. And people differ. People have their different preferences, and understanding of things. So we are not to get closer to Allah by THEIR understanding rather by the Qur’an and the Sunnah whereby the understanding of the three favourite generations, the companions, tabi’een and tab’tabi’een.”


Let us analyze what Shaykh Assim al Hakeem says.

“Some scholars say.” Who are these scholars? What do they base their statements on?

“Some of his disciples and students (apparently who were not very smart followed that way of prayer instead of going back to his books, to his hadiths that he used to teach to learn how the prophet used to pray. And they mimicked that and made it part of their religion.”

Let us do a little thought experiment. Let us assume ‘the arms were broken so he prayed like that’ story checks out. So this means….

Group A

Imam Malik was negligent.

Direct students of Imam Malik started doing that. Imam Malik was derelict in his duties and said nothing while his students did innovation in their prayer. This is a huge evil to attribute to Imam Malik.

Which of these students who were “apparently who were not very smart” started this innovated practice? Was it:

Asad ibn al Furat ?
Ibn al-Qasim ?
Sahnun ?
Ashhab ibn ‘Abd al-Aziz ?

Group B.

The students of Imam Malik’s students innovated this practice.

All of Imam Malik’s students were faithful and diligent in following the Sunnah. However, the students of these teachers decided to start practicing sadl in honour of Imam Malik being tortured. So then when they started to do this why didn’t their teachers (the students of Imam Malik) stop them? Why would they do what their teachers were not even doing?


Not to what Tom, Dick and Harry did (with all due respect to THEM), but Allah ordered us to follow the Qur’an and the Sunnah. And people differ. People have their different preferences, and understanding of things. So we are not to get closer to Allah by THEIR understanding.”

The shocking and dismissive statements directed at some of his own great scholars is most unfortunate. This is nothing new for the Salafi preachers. In one breath he speaks of Imam Malik as ‘Imam Dar Al Hijra‘, and in the next breath he is just any ‘Tom, Dick or Harry‘.

I guess we as Muslims, those that follow the Ibadi school, we shouldn’t be shocked when some of the more uneducated among the ‘Salafiyah’ call us dogs, and kafir. After all, these men will refer to their own Imams as ‘tom, dick or harry‘. This makes for an unfortunate discourse.

May Allah (swt) guide them and us to a way and course that is just.

Thankfully Shaykh Assim Al-Hakeem corrects himself here:

If you are keen to learn the prayer of Blessed Prophet (saw) may the following be helpful for you!

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One response to “Salafis Bilal Philips and Assim al Hakeem lie about Imam Malik and the prayer.

  1. Abū Amīnah’s pronouncement is actually a double-whammy of either complete incompetence or active deceit. First, there’s the gaffe involving Imām Mālik’s purported reason for praying with irsāl al-yadayn, but there’s also his lame and utterly fictional significance of the hadīth he insisted on sharing.

    What an utter disappointment these lot are.

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