The Attack on brother Shamsi of Dus Dawah by Zionist

“O you who have believed, if there comes to you a wicked person with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful.” (Qur’an 49:6)


Recently the Zionist have been up to their old tricks and one of them is to create more division among Muslims over an ultra sensitive matter very close to the heart of every believing Muslim, namely the plight of our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

So recently the Zionist entity has tried to stir the pot by making a hit piece of brother Shamsi-a Salafist Sunni Muslim. You should be aware that this source for this propaganda and lies are here:

ATTENTION: No less than 12 hours of this post being up the Zionist took down their entry!

Quite sly these people. Good thing we have a diligent community.

I will also be discussing a recent tit-for-tat face to face encounter between Shamsi and another fairly known Salafist Sunni Muslim brother by the name of Daniel Haqiqatjou. I will discuss this in a follow up entry Allah-willing.

No matter what one may think of either of brothers Daniel or Shamsi the first thing every Muslim should do is to first ask themselves: Is there any guidance in the Qur’an or the Sunnah on this matter?

The answer is a resounding Yes!

“O you who have believed, if there comes to you a wicked person with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful.” (Qur’an 49:6)

The source of this information is the vile Zionist entity which is currently on a genocidal campaign to wipe out all the Palestinians. Another objective is to put diplomatic pressure on the nation of Egypt (which already host up to 100,000 Palestinians) to take in more Palestinians in hopes that it will destabilize Egypt and thus the Zionist entity can use this as a pretext to invade and annex territory (from the wadi to the Euphrates).

That right there shows the information is absolutely useless. Anyone who understands the nature and transmission of the ahadith should have a modicum of knowledge that this gets dismissed outright!

First let us expose this author of this hit piece.

“As military historians in the Middle East probably would have guessed, I am referring to an obscure Islamic sect that is a much stronger supporter for normalization of ties with Israel – than even secular, nationalist and liberal political parties – the school of thought known as Madkhalism.”

“As far as any expert knows, the threat from terrorism is rooted fundamentally and inextricably in political Islam – particularly in Jihadist strains such as those advocated by ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al-Shabaab, Houthis, etc. All these groups are in one way or another influenced by Muslim-Brotherhood methodology, principles, and values.”

However, the sect of Madkhalism is core counterbalance to these groups, and helps secure Western secular democratic interests and ideals, as well as the security of the State of Israel.”

Additionally, this sect believes in the permissibility of normalizing ties between Islamic governments and Israel and does not believe in boycotting Israeli goods and services. Their unquestioning obedience to governments, even those that are clearly pro-Israeli, such as the UAE, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, and Sudan etc. means that official policies that benefit Israel will not be opposed but supported, since in their words this is the “decision for the rulers.

This is actually such an embarrassing misread of Madkhalism. Now of course brother Shamsi belongs to a group of Muslims that no doubt would make tafkir of the Ibadi school, yet all Muslims are commanded to speak what is truthful and just.

As a motto of our school we stand on the following principle:

“We take the truth even from a man of hatred and we reject falsehood even from a chosen friend. We have no respect for a man, however exalted, If from the truth he has deflected.”-Shaykh Abdullah bin Humeid Al Salmy.

Madhakalism no doubt is based upon certain understandings and interpretations of Islam that would give more autocratic and repressive rulers legitimacy. This has been the case since the Umayyad Imperium under the illegitimate “Caliphate” of Muaviyah the 1st and Yazid the 1st.

Although, opposition to this position is equally based upon plain reading of text and understandings of Islam that state that the people do not have to obey the defiantly disobedient rulers.

What this writer and his ilk do not understand is that Madhakalism is a double edged sword. If tomorrow for example the kingdom of Saudi Arabia was to come under threat of military invasion from the *Former United States what do you suppose the supporters of Madhakalism would tell their people? Sit idly by and watch the kingdom be reduced to ashes? So as long as they give obedience to their rulers and their rulers tomorrow say, “We go to war with the Zionist, or we go to war with the Former United States.” Than it is not a total win for the Zionist and/or those that are under their subjugation.

Note: The “Former United States” refers to a once sovereign nation known simply as “The United States” or “The United States of America” . Founded in 1976 at it’s zenith it constituted 50 states and over seas territories. Since the assignation of John F Kennedy and gradual take over and complete subjugation of the “United States” by Zionist infiltration it lost its sovereignty. Unable to make independent decisions it has come to be known as the “Former United States” to those who are apprised of the situation. Rather than refer to it simply as “The Zionist Entity” the epitaph of “Former United States” is used in hopes that its gallant people would rise up and throw off the shackles of oppression.

Back to the article:

So yes Madhkalism can and has been and is currently being used by authoritarian and autocratic governments in Muslim majority countries as a useful tool to do the bidding of those who wish to see discord and disunity among the Muslim Ummah. However, that comes with the understanding of “You scratch my back and I will scratch your back.”

“When it comes to the State of Israel, Madkhalism has produced scholarly authorities, that are considered giants in the Islamic world, particularly in the Sunni sect, the biggest sect of Islam, that have called for a negotiated settlement to the Palestinian issue. And Sheikh Al-Albani, the foremost respect Sunni Salafist has advocated the most famous judicial verdict that called for the removal of all Palestinians, including most of the terrorists, to be permanently removed from the West Bank. According to this article Al Albani legitimized the authority of the State of Israel over both the West Bank and Gaza: “But Albani’s fatwā seems to be acknowledgement of de facto Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank and Gaza, which is evidenced by military soldiers that occupy the West Bank, and the Israeli military’s blockade of Gaza.”

Actually, the pride of Salafiyah, Shaykh Muhammad Nasir al-Din, also known as Al Abani had did not hold the view that Palestinians should be permanently removed from the West Bank. No more than he held the view that Muslims who left Mecca for Abyssinia should do so permanently.

Shaykh Al Abani when he gave such fatwa didn’t mock them nor called them people of innovation and shirk (as some have unfortunately done.) One of the major objectives of the Shari’ah -Islamic law is preservation of human life. Shaykh Al Abani saw the plight of the Palestinians and gave a fatwa based upon it. He had his proofs and justifications and we should deal with that.

One of those proofs was the following:

“Indeed, those whom the angels take [in death] while wronging themselves – [the angels] will say, “In what [condition] were you?” They will say, “We were oppressed in the land.” They [the angels] will say, “Was not the earth of Allāh spacious [enough] for you to emigrate therein?” For those, their refuge is Hell – and evil it is as a destination..” (Qur’an 4:97)

Of which he could be respectfully asked of the Shaykh, what is the wrong in defending one’s home and wishing for the usurpers to be defeated? Because this verse of the Qur’an is very often half quoted by him.

“O you who have believed, if you support Allah , He will support you and plant firmly your feet.” (Qur’an 47:7).

O.K the justification here is that if we do not follow the prohibitions and commands of Allah (swt) it is unjust for us to ask Allah (swt) for our rights. This the Shaykh has a very good point, it applies to all of us.

I will provide some video clips of him speaking with students and others that had an exchange with him over his stance. Yes many were not happy (even among Salafiyah) and that perspective last until today.

So much of what Shaykh Al Abani says in this is true. About rectifying ourselves about if we are true to Allah (swt) his help will come. No one would not be moved by the truth of it unless their hearts were corrupt. All of this ummah should return to the Qur’an and the Sunnah. What is the point of aiding any of the Muslims if all they care about is nationalism, and/or just being cultural Muslims who pray when the mood strikes them etc.

You can also clearly see that he is not against fighting the Jews. He is just saying without emaan (faith) what use is it? You also have to understand that yes he has the Madhkali view but the last time I checked all Madhakli also believe that Jesus (as) will return and fight the Jews. So there is that too!

@6:54 minutes Shaykh ask “Is there usury? Yes there is.” 

But this is not fair nor just from the Shaykh as he well knows this matter is not in the hands of the common people. It is the rulers who are setting the regulations for the banks. Because paper money and rib’a are enforced by the state apparatus and since one cannot buy or sell without it they are forcing the public to commit sins. A principle of the Madhkali school is that you do not rebel against the leader so long as the leader does not force you to do the haram. Yet, creating a society where one is forced to commit usury in order to live is the very definition of haram.

“And if you do not, then be warned of war (against you) from Allah and His messenger. And if you repent, then you have your principal (without interest). Wrong not, and you shall not be wronged.” (Qur’an 2:279)

The other issue is treating Palestinians, or Yemeni or Rohingya or Uigurs or whomever is oppressed from the Muslims as if they are some separate entity. This is certainly a bid’a and a blameworthy bid’a. There is the Muslim Ummah. We may have forgotten this. There are no mini-ummahs.

Narrated Anas:

Allah’s Messenger (saw) said, “Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is an oppressed one. People asked, “O Allah’s Messenger (saw)! It is all right to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor?” The Prophet (saw) said, “By preventing him from oppressing others.”


In the above video you can clearly see that the Shaykh again struggles on the issue of usury. He can tell you what you should not do but he cannot give you the alternative. This is not how Islam works. Now granted and may Allah (swt) forgive me my possible misunderstanding as well as the fact that no scholar of Islam has all the solutions but to leave the impression that there is no a solution to a problem is not from Islam. I (Prima-Qur’an) may not have the solution; Shaykh Al Abani may not but there is certainly a solution.

Shaykh Al Abani was critiqued for asking where the Palestinians should go and he offered: “Perhaps Sudan would take them.”

A full rebuttal to this position was given in the book: “Strife in Islam” (Al-Jihad fil Islam: Kayfa Nafhamuhu wa Kayfa Numarisuhu), By Dr. Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id Ramadan al-Buti, 2nd edition, Dar Al-Fikr, Damascus, Syria, 1997.

We all know what happened to Shaykh al-Buti.

There comes a point to where you have no where else to run and considering that the Palestinians do not have any where else to run they have no choice but to stand and fight.

So the real question is not rather or not their resistance is legitimate. The real question is how much sin do those Muslims incur who do not even care about their plight, do not make mention of it from the minbar and places of worship. Who do not actively boycott those who harm the believers but rather scoff and mock those believers who at the very least can rise above the level of unsated beast and tame their stomachs from consuming that which aids the oppressors!

This is one irrefutable point. There is no one alive from any group among the Muslims who can say definitely that if Shaykh Al Abani were alive today and saw the current circumstances that he would give the same advise. No one can say that definitively. Scholars of Islam, rather we agree with their fatawa or not; they give legal verdicts according to context, and circumstances.

Though Madhkalism can be, has been and currently is being used as an oppressive tool by authoritarian regimes, the Zionist are fools to think it is an ally they can rely upon.

The author writes:

“To further simply the distinction between Madkhalism and the Jihadist terrorists, in the UK, Shamsi Bensafi, an Islamic cleric, has advocated for peace with the Jewish State of Israel, whilst Daniel Haqiqatjou – an Iranian Shia Jihadist-oriented political agitator – has advocated for endless war with Jews as a whole so that Palestinians can have a state from the river to the sea. The former is a proponent of Madkhalism whilst the latter is a proponent of Jihadist political Islam; and the former is friend of Israel, whilst the latter is an enemy of Israel. Which one benefits Western and Israeli interests?”

Shamsi is not an Islamic cleric he is a street preacher. He does not hold a shred of legal authority in any school of Islam, and he himself would tell you this. He relates the opinions of those who esteems to have weight.

Daniel Haqiqatjou is not an Iranian, Shi’a. Daniel an American Sunni (Salafi-just like Shamsi but with different interpretations) and he is of Iranian descent. One of those major issues of disagreement is upon how much authority should be given to a leader and in what context.

and the former is friend of Israel, whilst the latter is an enemy of Israel.“ 

Of course the Zionist will lie, it is what they excel at. Shamsi is no friend of Israel, rather he defers matters to the head of state and that does not mean that he or any other Muslim for that matter does not grumble about the decisions of the leaders. They just believe it is forbidden to rebel against the ruler. Which once again, once that ruler, say Saudi Arabia or Jordan or Egypt says it’s time to go absolutely ham on the Zionist entity they will do exactly that!

“This threat is also eliminated with the widespread promotion of Madkhalism since they seek to identify these threats and report them to the authorities.”

That actually depends. It depends on the willingness of Muslims to betray each other.

The first step is of utmost importance: Allegiance to the political apparatus. The next step is the transformation and liberalization of Islam and will be done by Madkhali’s (who can persuaded/bought/threatened).

As well as Sufi leaning Muslims who can be (persuaded/bought/threatened).

“The Madkhalis are instrumental in preventing these attacks, and they would certainly condemn the October 7 atrocities as well.”

Does this person think that if a Sultan, King of a country told these Madkhalis to attack military positions of the Former United States, or assassinate a leader of the Zionist that they would fail to carry out such an attack?

“In the final analysis, when we objectively review all the evidence, it becomes firmly established that Madkhalism is the strain of Islamic thought that is most friendly to the tactical, operational, and strategic goals and objectives of the State of Israel.”

Let me correct this:

“In the final analysis, when we objectively review all the evidence, it becomes firmly established that Madkhalism is the strain of Islamic thought that is CURRENTLY most friendly to the tactical, operational, and strategic goals and objectives of the State of Israel.”

There is a difference between allies and all-lies. There is a difference between countries that can build real bonds of trust and cooperation and those that are merely frenemies.

If there is one benefit of this article is that admission that Madhkalism is the most friendly to the tactical, operational, and strategic goals and objectives of the Zionist.

Once we have taken the verse from the Qur’an under advisement and we put 2 and 2 together we can clearly see that this is true.

May Allah (swt) guide the Ummah. May Allah (swt) forgive the Ummah.

If you would like to read more articles about Madhkalism you may wish to read the following:

To learn more about Shaykh Nasiruddin al-Albani you may want to read the following article:

He had a novel view among the Salafi that the most authentic collection of ahadith contained errors, mistakes and even weak hadith.

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