What sins do to our hearts.

 “No indeed! The truth is that their hearts have become rusted on account of their evil deeds.” (Qur’an 83:14)


The following is taken from a lecture from Abdul Hakim Murad.

“As we are initiated into the distractions of the world, however, it [heart] is covered over with the ‘rust’ (ran) of which the Qur’an speaks. This rust is made up of two things: sin and distraction. When, through the process of self-discipline, these are banished, so that the worshipper is preserved from sin and is focusing entirely on the immediate presence and reality of Allah, the rust is dissolved, and the ruh once again is free. The heart is sound; and salvation, and closeness to Allah, are achieved.”

What Sins Do To The Heart – Sh Dawud Bu-Sinani.

May Allah guide us!

May Allah forgive us!

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