Abu Lahab weak argument used by Muslims to prove Islam.

“May the hands of Abu Lahab perish, and he ˹himself˺ perish! Neither his wealth nor ˹worldly˺ gains will benefit him. He will burn in a flaming Fire, and ˹so will˺ his wife, the carrier of ˹thorny˺ kindling, around her neck will be a rope of palm-fibre.” (Qur’an 111:1-5)


Sometimes our brothers from among the Muslims use a flawed argument using Abu Lahab as an example to prove the truth of the Qur’an.

They say: “You see Allah says Abu Lahab will be in hell. If Abu Lahab take the shahada it would make the Qur’an false.”

This in and of itself is a false argument. The words of Allah (swt) are true and those of Abu Lahab are false. So even if Abu Lahab took the shahada, it would be in deception as Allah (swt) told us the truth about his fate.

The inverse is true. If Allah (swt) said in the Qur’an someone would be in paradise and this person did a sins or big sins, it is Allah (swt) who knows that this one made sincere repentance. So their ending was a good ending.

The attitude of the believers towards all those who are in the real dissociation (bara’ah haqiqah) is perform dissociation to whomever Allah (swt) has mentioned in the Qur’an to be a sinner or was promised punishment and suffer in the hereafter. Whether he was mentioned clearly by name or by his kunya or by his attribute. Like Iblis, Abu Lahab and his woman etc.

We as Muslims can only judge by the dhahir (the apparent). That is unless Allah (swt) stated something very clearly as mentioned above than this will be the haqiqah, the reality.

Where as Allah (swt) judges fully by the haqiqah (the reality). We can only judge by limited data where as Allah (swt) judges with complete and total data.

This teaching of Walayah & Bara’ah is a fundamental teaching of Islam. It is this teaching that makes us realize we should not take/make alliances with the kuffar over the Ahl Qiblah.

Just like when we as Muslims are online on various social media platforms. If we see Ahl Qiblah who are also Ahl Khilaf (People of the Opposition) or opps and we see them debate with the Christians, Jews, Atheist or whomever we should always side with Ahl Qiblah (Salafi, Imami Shi’a, Deobandi etc.) does not matter. The ‘Izza of Islam is at stake. We do not need (Salafi, Imami Shi’a, Deobandis) or anyone to praise us or to think highly of us in order to assist them against the kuffar.

We seek the approval of Allah (swt) not the approval of men.

For more reading and insight on Walayah & Bara’ah in accordance with the Qur’an & Sunnah please read:

May Allah (swt) guide the Ummah!

May Allah (swt) forgive the Ummah!

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